Thibault Vanhooland mainly known as VOYOU is the latest freshman to join the French label Entreprise. After being part of several bands like Rhum For Pauline and Pégase he decided to go solo. “It’s funnier to go on tour when you’re a band because you don’t feel so lonely, but sometimes you need to be alone with yourself if you want to defend your music!” explains Thibault, while eating his breakfast. Last year, he was shortlisted for Les Inouïs du Printemps de Bourges alongside Eddy de Pretto. He didn’t win but got the chance to chose what wanted to do and the label he would like to sign with. “I’m a huge fan of the label, they have some pretty singular French artists such as Grand Blanc, Fishbach, and Bagarre. I’m very proud to join their roster, as before I was signed, I was listening to their music and now we are all friends, which is pretty cool”.
“It’s funnier to go on tour when you’re a band because you don’t feel so lonely, but sometimes you need to be alone with yourself if you want to defend your music!”

After an EP released in February, the next step for VOYOU is his tour. “So many things are happening just with this EP, I’m going to do some cool festivals this summer with a couple shows outside of France. It’s funny as when I was in Rhum For Pauline, where all the songs were in English, we didn’t get this chance to go international, and now with a French pop project, I’m going to Canada.” This first EP took a long time before it came out” – explains the singer, “some songs have been in works for more than 2 years, I’m very slow when creating music!” If his tracks are very poppy and electronic, his influences may vary depending on his mood “I’m not into a particular genre of music, I don’t care about when it came out, the country or the artists, I love everything, I’m open to every kind of music, to be honest!”.