Dogme: Thursday

Participants: Ivan Egorov, Yana, John, AЛОЭ and friends

We met AЛОЭ making up the new Russian culture of fashion, art and life underground in Saint-Petersburg, since 2013, when we decided to hijack a fashion show together during Saint-Petersburg fashion week. We were never invited back again, but meeting this group of like minded creatives was fate.

A week earlier we were in London at a launch and our good friend stylist Masha Mombelli was wearing a t-shirt we loved. It was given to her by her good friend John in Saint-Petersburg. A week later we were in the city and had less than twenty-four hours to produce show after the designer bowed out. We messaged Masha and she got us in touch with AЛОЭ. We wanted to collaborate again, and with Pairs they followed our strict Dogme 16 rules and printed it in our Pairs 101 issue. Looking back, it is more than fashion, it is a postcard from friends. And if you ever go to Saint-Petersburg, there are many friends to look up. The community of creatives has no borders, no Dogme 16 rules to tap your inner freedom), no labels, and is a living spirit.