Dogme: BFF’s

Participants: Wavy The Creator, Lotachukwu Ayogu-Eze, Richard Akuson

Featuring: Peter Finn @isysmodes, Uju and Daberechi @fewmodels

Hyper-masculinity is an expectation that every Nigerian man is expected to meet. Growing up here, I’ve observed that guys who fall short of this ideal are mocked, bullied and called offensive names like ‘boy-girl’ (which simply mean a boy that behaves like a girl). Young boys are ingrained with the idea that to act “like a man” means to not cry, to not be soft, and to not stand out. This has led to a generation of Nigerian boys who have grown to become fragile men with enormous egos that reject every idea of a non-masculine man. As they are ostracised for not conforming to the norm, some of these boys find true friendships, beyond sex, in the opposite sex. These friendships are heavily therapeutic as they are able to connect on a level deeper than they would with other guys. The girls, in turn, get to connect with a man who respects femininity as he is somewhat connected to it.

A boy, without judgment, in the loving company of his best friends.

       Richard Akusin, Founder of