Indie rock band Feu! Chatterton is probably the most impressive artists of the current musical French scene. After a successful debut record, the five guys are back with a new project L’Oiseleur which is equally good and elegant! The singer, clearly inspired by Serge Gainsbourg gives us some beautiful and poetical lyrics that are signature to the band’s sound. Before hitting the road for a massive tour all around France and Europe, we met the guys around a glass of beetroot juice and asked about the best way to get drunk in Paris! And yes, we talked about music too!

35mm by Ivica Mamedy

People always say that the second record is the most difficult one, is that true?

Oh yes! Everyone in the industry keeps telling that especially when the first one became a success! For this second one, there’s an expectation as we can’t do the same things that were on the previous record, people will keep telling you that you’re doing the same music. It’s complex as you don’t want it to be a form of slavery – making music just to please some people.

Being 5 in a band is not so complicated? 

We know each other for years so it’s ok now! Doing music together is much more interesting as we have a large discussion about our artistic vision. I’ve heard a quote on Top Chef saying ” doing it alone is faster but when you do it together, you go further longer”.

35mm by Ivica Mamedy

When you write the lyrics, what about your mood, are you sober or drunk? 

I love walking in Paris without having any destination point – for me walking while having some thoughts match together. When you get lost in your ideas and dreams, it’s what I feel when I got some lyrics – I’m also having a notebook where I wrote every sentence which may influence for a song. But if I do this alone, the other guys can have their idées if they like It or not – they have their opinions too.

“Our sound engineer is more into Pastis,

but you know Pastis can drive you crazy.”

You, guys, always together, do you have any private life? 

It’s hard to have a real private life. We work together and we go on tour together for six months so it’s complicated. We are friends since high school so we know each other. The stage is our strong point. There’s a connection among us and we feel the public understand that. When you play in front of 1500 people every night, there’s a reason why.

According to your song L’Ivresse, what is the best way to finish drunk in Paris? 

There are so many options. You can start at Le Syndicat to have some fresh cocktails or start at Jeanette to have some cheap beers but it’s is a friendly-drunk alcohol. And you can finish with some shots too. Our sound engineer is more into Pastis but you know Pastis can drive you crazy *laughs*